The Home page and sections 1 and 2 contain essential background material.
The overview in section 3 is also useful.
The overview in section 3 is also useful.
Principles and Concepts.1. Understanding Quantum Physics and Its Implications. Introduction.
2. Schrödinger’s Cat. Many Versions of Reality in Quantum Physics.
3. Overview of Understanding Quantum Physics. Principles.
4. Visualizing the Wave Function of Quantum Physics.
5. The History of Quantum Physics.
Interpretations of Quantum Physics.6. Particles. Collapse of the Wave Function.
7. Basic Quantum Physics, QMA.
8. Different Versions of Reality are in Separate Universes.
8A. Details of Separate, Isolated Universes.
9. Quantum Physics Leads to Classical Perception.
9A. Details of Classical Consistency of Perception.
9B. Measurement Theory. Perception of Eigenvalues of Operators.
10. The Probability Law of Quantum Physics. Randomness.
11. Mass, Spin, and Charge Are Properties of the Wave Function.
12. Localization and the Wave Function.
12A. Details of Localization.
13. Small Parts of the Wave Function.
13A. Details of Small Parts.
14. No Evidence for Particles.
15. No Evidence for Collapse of the Wave Function.
16. Probability and Constraints on Interpretations of Quantum Physics.
16A. Details of Problems with Probability.
17. The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Physics.Experiments. Characteristics of the Wave Function. Free Will.
18. Can Quantum Physics Show Us the Nature of Reality?
19. The Everett Many-Worlds Interpretation.
20. The Particle Interpretation of Quantum Physics.
21. Bohm’s Hidden Variable Interpretation.
22. Mathematical Collapse Interpretations.
22A. Mathematical Collapse Implies Non- Linearity.
23. Observer-Induced Collapse Interpretations.
23A. Details of Observer-Induced Collapse.
24. The Ensemble or Statistical Interpretation.
25. The Transactional Analysis Interpretation.
26. Decoherence and Consistent Histories Interpretations.
27. Panpsychism as an Interpretation of Quantum Physics.
28. No Support for Scientific Materialism in Physics.
29. The Mind-MIND interpretation of Quantum Physics.
29A. The Probability Law And the Mind-MIND Interpretation.
30. Wave-Particle Duality.References.
31. The Double-Slit Experiment.
32. Light, Photons and Polarization.
33. Spin and the Stern-Gerlach Experiment.
34. Scattering Experiments.
34A. Quantum Mechanical Explanation of Scattering.
35. The Uncertainty Principle.
36. Bell-Aspect Experiments. Non-Locality.
37. Wheeler’s Delayed-Choice Experiment.
38. The Quantum Eraser Experiment.
39. Quarks. Elementary Particle Systematics. Strings.
40. Quantum Physics, the Brain, and Free Will.
41. References.